Steven Kerr

Steven Kerr

Steven started out as a physicist, completing a PhD and then a postdoc working on quantum gravity.

After that, he did a second PhD, mainly on game theory and economics. From there he worked in the private sector doing data science and software development. In late 2020, Steven joined the Usher institute as part of the EAVE-II project, doing research primarily on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and safety.

Steven is interested in secure multi-party computation and federated analytics. These are technologies that enable combined analysis of multiple private datasets, stored securely in different locations, with zero information sharing. This will allow us to unlock insights that are currently hidden away in the multitude of routinely-collected, confidential health datasets around the world, improving evidence-based medical care and patient outcomes.

Steven is working towards building a software product that will allow health data researchers to use these transformative approaches in their own work.