Clark D Russell

Clark D Russell

Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases

Clark Russell is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh in Infectious Diseases (BMedSci Hons 2010) and Medicine (MBChB Hons 2013). In 2017 he began specialty training in Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, and was appointed as a Clinical Lecturer on the Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track (ECAT) at the University of Edinburgh. During the Covid-19 pandemic, he was an investigator on the ISARIC4C and ICECAP studies, contributing to clinical characterisation and description of immunopathologic mechanisms of Covid-19. In 2022 he completed a Wellcome-funded PhD investigating macrophage microbicidal responses against pneumococci (with David Dockrell, Ross Fitzgerald, and Kenneth Baillie). His current research interests include therapeutic augmentation of macrophage microbicidal responses against aerobic gram-positive cocci (streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci) and patient stratification in Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia.

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